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如何在CentOS 8上永久禁用SELinux

让我们看看如何永久禁用SELinux。 SElinux的配置文件位于 /etc/selinux/config。 因此,我们需要对该文件进行一些修改。

# vi /etc/selinux/config

SELinux 属性设置为 Disabled,如下所示:

# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
#    enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
#    permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
#    disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
# SELINUXTYPE= can take one of these three values:
#    targeted - Targeted processes are protected,
#    minimum - Modification of targeted policy. Only selected processes are protected.
#    mls - Multi Level Security protection.

保存并退出配置文件,然后重新启动CentOS 8 Linux系统。
